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3 Reasons why you should get your cat groomed


Who gets their cat groomed by a groomer? Who would do that and why?! It sure does seem to be one big question. Seeing grooming videos of cats on the internet, finding out that the neighbor just got their cat groomed, or even SHAVED by a pet groomer! Truth is… YES! Would you feel clean if you groomed the way a cat does? I honestly thought the same way. My cat seemed fine. The usual narcissistic cat behavior. Hiding from strangers under a table. Meowing incessantly and swatting at the dog as he bounced by. Then I did it, I groomed her, her name is Rezy, you may have seen her debut on YouTube. She wasn’t terribly impressed with the dryer and tried to scammer away. She also wasn’t miserable, which most would think would be the case. She handled it like a champ and you know what happened after that?? She came around more. She stopped hiding. Honestly! No Kidding! She just seems.. well.. happier! She climbs up on me more and wants to be near me. She doesn’t swat at the pup walking by, ok, not as much anyway. I did not get her shaved down. I bathed her and brushed her out, as seen in her video here. Some cats are not meant to be shaved. In future posts I will be talking more about grooming cats. I am currently in a master class to become.. you won’t believe it.. a MASTER CAT GROOMER! I am in the process of learning all about our beautiful, sly, furry little friends. As I sit here typing this, as you can imagine she has to be a part of it and say her peace, she agrees, a groom for a cat is the way to go

1. Change in attitude

I simply must add in the change of attitude my mom’s cat had! Mason. Mason has a particular liking to my mom and no other. She does not like most people. When mom is ready to travel she has to hide her suitcase in the closet so Mason doesn’t see it or she will poop on the bed! She has an attitude like no other. When she is upset or anxious she will show it. When her fur is too long and she coughs up a … you know… she is very dramatic. Again will do things to show you she is upset. Once she is groomed, she gets the lion cut,  she is happy again and she shows it. Purring, visiting, showing love by the most famous way of the headbutt while working. Again, Another vote for Yes! To get the cat groomed.

2. Prevent matting that can be painful

In a previous Blog I focused on matting and why it can be dangerous for a dog. It is the same for a cat and could even be worse! Their skin is like tissue paper, very sensitive and matting can get so bad and close to the skin causing painful bruising or worse! Proper grooming from a cat groomer can prevent this and keep them happy and feeling comfortable. 

3. healthy Shiny clean coat

You read that right! Getting regular grooming helps promote a strong healthy fur coat! The groomer is an expert at finding pesky fleas or skin issues that your little furbaby may be dealing with. They can keep you informed and request they see the vet if needed. When they feel comfortable and clean and healthy our little sweethearts can sleep comfortably and soundly. Grooming will also help with pesky furballs that are not fun for them or us when we hear it and jump out of bed frantically to direct them onto coughing one up on the tile instead of your new carpet. The bathing process consists of two washes for a perfect bath, starting first with a bar of soap I use called the Chubb Bar. 

So if you were wondering if you should get your cat groomed, I would say an astounding yes.