What exactly is dander and how can i minimize it?

We all love our pets for so many reasons. They make us laugh, they make us cry, and sometimes they make us itch, or sneeze, and cause a runny nose! So what causes that? Is Dander the sole root? Most of us have heard that cats have worse dander than dogs, we have even heard that there are hypoallergenic cats and dogs for people with alleriges. Is that actually true? Can you adopt a cat or a dog that doesn’t have dander?

Truth is, all pets have dander. In fact, all mammals have dander, even those without hair like our furless reptiles. So what is it?

what is dander:

Dander is an allergen. It is found in animals’ skin cells and can be shed from their skin. It can also be found in their saliva. As stated on the American Lung Association website about Pet Dander, “Pet dander and other pet allergens may linger in the air for a longer time than other allergens. This is because they are microscopic and jagged in shape, making it easy for them to become airborne and stick to furniture, bedding, fabrics and even be carried on items into and out of the home.” August 24, 2022.

what animals have dander:

All animals have dander. Even the beautiful sphynx cat with no fur has allergens that mainly come from their saliva. Frequent groomings can help reduce allergens signifcantly! Make sure to talk to your groomer to find a healthy schedule for your pet. 

reduce the amount of dander in your home:

  • Dust your home with a good cleaner
  • Use lint rollers
  • Clean couch covers and blankets regularly
  • Groom pets regularly
  • Reduce the amount of carpet and rugs in the home
  • Use a HEPA filter
A monthly box of fun toys, healthy treats, and other goodies for your cat!